The Phoenix Youth Centre Preston Manor Road, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5FB

The MYTI Club's objectives are:
To provide care for young people in the Tadworth and surrounding area through the provision of after school and school holiday youth club facilities.
The MYTI Club is open to all young people aged 8 to 15 but particularly disadvantaged children living on the Preston Estate in Tadworth, Surrey, a priority area of depravation identified by Surrey County Council.
The MYTI Club provides a range of activities including sport, art, IT, personal development opportunities and mental health support. A key objective is to decrease anti-social behaviour in the area by keeping young people off the streets and by giving them a voice to drive their own self-improvement capabilities. The Club also provides hot meals for attendees many of whom would go without if not provided.

The MYTI Club is the brainchild of local businessman, Tony Britto. He grew up on the Preston Estate but spent most of his childhood in care. He was poorly educated and made many bad decisions in his early life. But he realised his mistakes and pulled himself together building up a successful business.
Knowing about the mistakes he had made and the environment that he grew up in, Tony decided he wanted to put something back. He would try to ensure that the kids of today did not make the same mistakes as he did and have the opportunities to develop their full potential in a safe and friendly environment.
Knowing about the mistakes he had made and the environment that he grew up in, Tony decided he wanted to put something back. He would try to ensure that the kids of today did not make the same mistakes as he did and have the opportunities to develop their full potential in a safe and friendly environment.
The Preston Estate is one of Surrey County Councils defined areas of deprivation. Many families are experiencing extreme poverty and crime rates are high.

He started in 2018 by simply talking to local children on the street and in local parks. Telling them about his experiences and encouraging them to take part in local sporting activities rather than just hanging around the streets.
And in 2021 he came to an agreement with YMCA East Surrey to establish The MYTI Youth Club at The Phoenix Centre a purpose built youth centre built and owned by Surrey County Council and leased to the YMCA

MYTI stands for “Micah Youth Teams Incorporated”. Micah was the son of a close friend of Tony’s who died young from illness and is remembered in the Club’s name.
What's happening now
The MYTI Club opens on Friday evenings from 4.15 to 7.15 pm and for around 37 days during school holidays from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. It provides a range of activities for young people including sports training and art classes with a music room and computer suite available for members.
A hot meal is provided free of charge on Friday evenings and during the school holidays breakfast and lunch are provided.
Football training is provided by an ex-semi-professional footballer supported by young leaders. Boxing, basketball and table tennis are just some of the other sports facilities available.
Art is a key medium used at the club to encourage self-expression, reduce stress and develop creativity. Art activities are also used as medium to address mental wellbeing and encourage discussion about children’s issues and concerns.
During the school holidays external visits have been organised and special activities organised including a bouncy castle and presentations by Zoo Lab and Fizz Pop Science. Mental Health Awareness Weeks are also has also been a regular feature amongst Club’s activities.
But a key aspect of MYTI’s service is being aware of and addressing any safeguarding issues club members may be experiencing. The Club’s youth workers make time to listen to and understand their members’ problems and concerns. These are often issues that the children are uncomfortable raising at home or school. They liaise with local schools, the police and social services as needed. All are experienced in safeguarding requirements.

Watch this two minute video about The MYTI Club: