The outside of The Phoenix Centre needs a face lift. There is a lovely raised flower bed outside the centre but it's in need of a makeover.
We are planning to work on it on Saturday 1st April but need some help. We are looking for some parents (with their children if possible) to spend a few hours on Saturday morning from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm to do a bit of gardening.
We could also do with the loan of some tools (spades, forks, etc.) and if someone can lay their hands on some border plants and shrubs that would be very welcome.
If you can help please send an email to John at or phone / text him on 07941 672 561.
We would like to thank Danny Burchett and Epsom Fireworks for their kind donation of £1,000. This helped to support our February half term sessions.
Danny Burchett with John Kemp and Tony Britto at The Phoenix Centre
Epsom Fireworks, sponsored by Illusion Fireworks runs the annual November fireworks display at Hook Lane Arena. Their next display will be on Saturday 4th November 2023.
The main show starts at 7.30 pm but they also hold a “low noise” children’s show sponsored by Fennies Day Nursery at 6.30 pm. Gates open at 5.30 pm and there is a huge funfair onsite. A free bus service also operated from Epsom Railway station. Tickets will be on sale from September at
The display days back to 1971 and is run by volunteers to generate funds for local organisations and this year we are pleased that they have chosen the MYTI Club.